Discover Calligraphy

Experience the Beauty of Fine Writing

If perchance you are driving along the A4112 from Leominster to Mid Wales you come across the scattered village of Monklands (And monks of course were great calligraphers!). If you turn right on the way from Leominster or left coming the other way signed TO THE CHEESE SHOP AND CAFE, and ignore its cheesy temptations you will soon come to the village hall which is where the Marches' Scribes meet. Map here

The Marches' Scribes was born back in the day by a group of people interested in the art of calligraphy (beautiful writing). We have survived for some thirty years and have membership of about 40 to 50 and we continue to welcome new members be they old hands or neophytes. We have an annual programme to help beginners start out (or to discover they don't want anything to do with calligraphy). Also we hold monthly workshops by outstanding nationally renowned tutors which are open to all.

We hold two or three exhibitions of our work (beginners specially encouraged} during the year and occasionally people might want to purchase a piece. We are a non-competitive group and there is a lot of sharing of skills, tips, encouragement, mistakes and laughter while taking seriously its core aims of furthering and preserving the art of calligraphy.

For more details please use our Contact form and we will explain how we work and how workshops can be booked and how we might answer your needs.

Come and join us

Come and join us

Come and join our

Calligraphic band